(Podcast available 7/11/22)

Dear Self,

Today, I will make a commitment to take 30 minutes or more a day for me. In that time, I will not have my phone on and will do everything in my power not to be distracted by the outside world. I will use this time to show myself love, respect, care, and loyalty. I will do this because it is exactly what I deserve. I will not be too busy and ignore my own personal needs. I know that by being there for myself I will be able to show up more for all the people in my life. I will have a clearer vision of who should and shouldn’t stay in my life. 

I’m taking care of myself because I have a responsibility to myself in order to live the best life possible and fulfill my purpose with love and integrity. I’ve seen what happens when I don’t take care of myself and how it affects all the people in my life. By committing to myself, I’m committing to the betterment of all. 

I promise to be aware and pay attention to the signs when I’m not taking care of myself. I will not be hard on myself or abuse myself in any way. I will find my way to take one step in the right direction to put the focus back on me and commit to my journey one hour at a time. I know I need to slow down and be present, so I will commit to taking three deep breaths as a part of being there for myself. This gives me enough time to slow down and re-evaluate the situation. 

I’m worth the care I give to everyone else. I’m worth the love I give to everyone else. I’m worth the respect I give to everyone else. I’m worth the compassion I give to everyone else. From this day forward, I will give myself these things by taking good care of me. 

I know the more time I give myself, the more space will open up for positive things to come into my life. I will no longer be wasting my energy on being the victim of what everyone else wants. I will be the champion for me. I will give to others in a way that fills me up and doesn’t deplete me. This is the reward for taking care of myself. 

It is not my business how other people take this change. I must trust that others will have their own journeys through it. Some may realize how much they can do for themselves by not depending on me. Others may get angry and walk away. Then, there will be those who will be happy to see me make better choices for myself. No matter what the case, I need to do this for me. If I do it for anyone else, I will fail. This is my journey. I trust that whatever the result is with the people around me, it will be what is best for me. 

I will be gentle with myself. I will make mistakes as I figure out what works and what doesn’t. I won’t use that something isn’t working as an excuse to give up. I will simply make a new commitment and move on. I understand that just because something works for someone else doesn’t mean it will be the right fit for me. It is my job to customize my own self-care program. The goal is to feel better about who I am, where I am, and how I am. I know this can only happen by taking care of myself, because no one else can know me if I don’t know me. I want to project to the world the magnificent person I am. Today I commit to me.

With lots of love and gratitude, 

A Better Me

Rachael Wolff ©2017,2020

Self-Awareness Coaching Sessions Now Available

You pick your price until April 9, 2024. You can get up to one session a week at this pricing only until April 9, 2024. Here is your chance to give yourself the self-care you deserve. Book today!

UPDATE: Have you seen what I’m doing on YouTube, the podcast, and Facebook now? I’m interviewing mental health and wellness professionals, authors, and influencers about seeds of wisdom from their gardens of their souls. These are the seeds they used to help themselves and others. It’s been an amazing ride so far. You can check it out on the platform of your choosing by going to: FromALovingPlace.com/Seeds-of-Wisdom. Listen or watch, your choice.

Visit YouTube to see this letter brought to life:

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