Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #252

I’m grateful for the help in getting out of my own way. As much as I grow, I still need help sometimes. The wonderful thing about this journey is that help ALWAYS shows up. Sometimes it comes in ways I didn’t expect, but in the end the message of how I’m getting in my own way shows up and gives me space to change what is no longer working. Lately, my helpers have shown up in the most amazing ways, but that’s been why this has been such an awe-inspiring journey for me. Yesterday, I was so overwhelmed with gratitude for all the people in my life that I was flooded with the feeling of absolute love. In that moment, I couldn’t have been happier.

I’ve been trusting what shows up. I didn’t even know I had some blocks that I was having. It was in reading books I needed to read for an interview that more was revealed…and more is ALWAYS being revealed. This is why I’m so incredibly grateful that the help ALWAYS shows up, even when I don’t know that I need it. The key is staying open to see it.

Today, I commit to be open to receiving help to get me out of my own way. When I’m open paths show up, people say what I need to hear, and I get what I need from the Universe to get out of my own way. No one else can make me be open. I have to be ready and willing to see what blocks me from aligning with the energy of love, abundance, and peace.

What amazes me are the things that keep showing up to show me what I still need to work on, but I invite them openly. I have to be willing to see what keeps me in the energy of fear, lack, and separation at any time. Even in this moment as I’m writing this, I started in this amazing place, and something happened with my kids while I was writing. My energy shifted into the energy of fear, lack, and separation. I literally just wrote the words and here is an opening to see that I’m getting in my own way by my reaction to some sibling shenanigans. As I looked over the writing, I had to laugh. Okay Universe, I see the sign. Thank you.

Now, I ask the Divine for guidance in my parenting to help me stay in the energy of love, abundance, and peace. I know the answer will show up, it always does. I think this is one of the most amazing things about this journey. The more open I am, the quicker I’m shown what I need to help me. I look back at my growth and am in AWE. I used to feel like a victim of the trials and tribulations of being a single parent. Now, I see the opportunities to show my love, strength, courage, compassion, hope, wisdom, and perseverance. I also take responsibility when I don’t make the best choices. I show the importance of owning up to what is mine. I don’t blame them for my words, thoughts, or behaviors. I’m accountable and responsible for the energy I exude. I asked for the space I needed to finish my piece, and now my house is quiet, my head is clear, and I’m ready to dive into whatever the Universe sends for me to help me get out of my own way.

If you are going to make this commitment, be READY for it. Just like me, all it may take is you putting out the words and the Universe will give you an opening to go in and look at yourself. Remember to laugh and STAY OPEN. More will be revealed…it always is.

With Love, Abundance, and Peace,

©Rachael Wolff 2021

Author of Letters from a Better Me: How Becoming an Empowered Woman Transforms the World (Click the book cover to learn more)

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