2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #47

Today’s aligning is one that really brings out the best of my humanity, focusing my energy on the people who rise above the hate. These are the people take full responsibility and accountability for their beliefs and actions while doing good in the world. These are the people I look up to. I didn’t even really see them clearly until I went back to college in my thirties. I couldn’t possibly understand the magnitude of these amazing individuals until I’d been out in the world and how they used their activism.

One of the things I’ve been noticing and have to watch myself on is being quick to judge how people serve. Just because a form of activism doesn’t work for the way I want to live doesn’t mean it’s not right for the person who feels driven by a cause in a specific way. I’ve been working on trying to be more curious rather than judgmental on this topic. What I try to listen for is if a person is being driven by love, abundance, and peace or fear, lack, and separation. One of the sure signs it’s fear, lack, and separation is that they will try to shame me for what I am or am not doing.

I don’t expect others to do what I do the way I do it. This is my calling. If someone else’s aligns with the way I do it or it’s similar, awesome, but the way we serve will never be exactly the the same because when we are being led with our hearts, that comes from our own personal experiences of things. It’s based on how we each view ourselves and the world around us. I like to think of it as it takes lots of different colors, flowers, and plant life to make a garden awe-inspiring.

What I try to do just be inspired by the love that drives people to do what they do in rising above the hate. That’s what keeps me aligned with love, abundance, and peace.

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Need More Support?

Find a cause that inspires you and just start looking for voices in the field. I’m always amazed at what I find when I just start looking.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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