2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #46

Today’s aligning is all about the concept/ saying, this too shall pass. I definitely need this one right now. At the moment, this daily aligning practice is what is holding me together. We are all going to have times when life seems more challenging. We will each get so many suggestions during these times. We then have to choose what we want to invest our energy into and what feels right in the moment. It’s not always easy.

The other day, I had a combination of hormones, circumstances, and stories playing my head that brought me to the edge of having a panic attack. It’s because of doing these practices daily I was able to slow down, choose to do EFT Tapping, and realign my energy. The mantra of this too shall pass was playing on a loop in my mind, and I was able to ground myself. Believe me, it doesn’t always work out this way. When I get to that overwhelm state and I feel my heart rate going up, if I’m not practicing aligning with love, abundance, and peace, the dark stories can terrorize me for a lot longer. All I can say is I’m so grateful I’m investing my energy into doing this series right now.

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I learned about the concept of this too shall pass in a 12-step group called Al-Anon. There are 12-step groups for a lot of different challenges. I’m not saying the 12-step groups are right for everyone, it’s just one option of many. The key is finding what’s right for you, but in order to do that, we need to put our energy towards finding solutions to what’s not working and giving our attention to what does work for us. I’m a person who has tried out many different flowers in the garden of my soul. Some flowers are beautiful, but because of how my mind works, they don’t work well in my garden, and that’s okay. There is no one right way to do this work. Part of the process of aligning with love, abundance, and peace is trusting our intuition. When we aren’t aligned with fear, lack, and separation, it’s pretty amazing how clear our answers can feel as long as we don’t get ahead of ourselves!

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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