2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #33

In today’s aligning we are focusing on people who inspire us with the energy of love, abundance, and peace. I felt like I needed to make that second part clear, because there a lot of people out there that use their voices to inspire fear, lack, and separation. That’s to gain power of us. People inspire us with love, abundance, and peace if they want us to empower ourselves.

For some reason, the song, “Rise Up” by Andra Day plays in my head every time I think about being inspired. I guess because that’s what it’s all about. Someone who inspires us through the energy of love, abundance, and peace is calling on us us to rise up, and I just love that.

Are You Ready to Dive In?

Read the post below or listen to the podcast to see today’s daily aligning.


Make sure to subscribe on your favorite listening app or listen here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fromalovingplace/episodes/Daily-Aligning-with-Love–Abundance–and-Peace-33-e2i6v7t

Need More Support?

One of my favorite things to do is search book topics and see what I find. If a description really calls out to me, I get it. We can do this in bookstores, libraries, or online. It’s just a fun way to look for inspiration. I’ve also found some great Ted Talks and YouTube videos that have blown me away with inspiration. The key is to make sure there is no us against them or an I’m above you mentality because that all comes from separation. If they us fear tactics, nope! If they want you to think like you have to get a product or service to be complete, nope! Just keep it clear in your head that you want to be inspired by the energy of love, abundance, and peace. You will be amazed at what you can find.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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