2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #32

Today’s aligning is all about teachers. Life is full of teachers, and they can be anywhere and everywhere. They can be older or younger, living, or dead. They can be kind or brutal. It’s what we learn from them that matters. We so often trying to fight the reality that is by saying, “This shouldn’t be happening.” If it shouldn’t be happening, what can we learn from it. We are fighting seeing the bigger picture and purpose. If we learned things easily, we wouldn’t have to get such brutal lessons, but that’s not reality.

Sometimes it takes some pretty nasty teachers for us to see just how aligned with fear, lack, and separation we are. Looking for the lessons has helped me in so many ways. Including not taking people doing sick things personally. I remember praying to learn whatever I needed to learn in order not to repeat having to be in a verbally, psychologically, emotionally, and financially abusive relationship with a narcissist. He taught me how much I hated myself. He showed me how ugly my own self-talk was. He showed me how low my self-worth was and how much I would compromise myself and my principles because of it.

What I learned could’ve been taught to me in a softer lesson, the problem is when the lesson was softer, I didn’t get it, so it got harder and harder. That’s when my lightbulb finally clicked on and I started transforming the way I treated myself.

I’ve gotten some great teachers after him both formal and informal. Each one helps me understand myself and others better. Many have prepared me for all the learning I’m having to go through now. I’m just so grateful for the countless teachers out there.

Are You Ready to Dive In?

Make sure to read or listen to the post/ podcast below to get today’s aligning practices.


Just remember you can subscribe to the podcast on your favorite listening platforms: Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Audible, iHeart Radio, and Spotify.

Here’s today’s: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fromalovingplace/episodes/Daily-Aligning-with-Love–Abundance–and-Peace-32-e2i5gje

Need More Support?

Seeing others as our teachers is something that has great capacity to align us with love, abundance, and peace even in very unfortunate circumstances. Just because we CHOOSE to see people as teachers doesn’t mean that any deserves horrible things happening to them. It just means we are not fighting the reality of what is and we are CHOOSING to see things in a way that helps us align with the energy of love, abundance, and peace so that the tough stuff doesn’t pull us down. If you need extra support with this, you can always reach out at Rachael@fromalovingplace.com or leave me a comment.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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