2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #34

Today’s aligning is all about being grateful for what we DO have, but before we dive in, I want to explain something. If you’ve been reading the blog or listening to the podcast, you may notice, it even might throw you off, how much I talk about the energy of love, abundance, and peace and fear, lack, and separation. I mention the combination a lot. Please understand this is very intentional. The more we see it, the more we notice it in our lives, and that’s the whole point.

When it becomes natural to question, that’s when we are in a really good place with our self-awareness around where our energy is. If it wasn’t for spending a whole year focused on it in 2020-2021, when I slipped, I could see clearly how the stories in my head were consumed by fear, lack, and separation. Figuring that out, helped me get back here. It’s what helped me decide to make the series into a podcast, so when I slipped I could have a voice from outside of my own head helping me get back to the energy of love, abundance and peace. I do it, because that’s what it takes sometimes for me to stay here as much as I can even while going through some big learning experiences.

With that, I needed today’s post, because it’s really easy to slip into focusing on what I don’t have at the moment. This post is exactly what I needed to get me out of an underlying headspace that kept sneaking into the stories playing in my head. I have exactly what I need in this moment. I hope today’s aligning helps anyone who needs it.

Are You Ready to Dive In?

Make sure to read or listen to the post below to experience today’s aligning.


Don’t forget you can subscribe to the podcast on your preferred listening app.


Need More Support?

When we are stuck in the cycle of lack, which is focusing on what we don’t have, we separate ourselves from others. We get resentful, and all of this stems from fear. When we are stuck in the stories of our own mind, it’s hard to see how to get out of it. That’s why I became a Self-Awareness Coach. I’ve been there, and I know how brutal it is believing the stories in our own minds. I hope this series helps with that, but if it doesn’t and the stories are just too strong to navigate on your own, please reach out for support from a trusted professional. For me, it was learning to stop believing every story playing in my mind, and seeing that I had the choice to look at things a different way. You are always welcome to reach out in the comments or by emailing me at rachael@fromalovingplace.com.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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