2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #36

Today’s aligning is about celebrating moments of pure joy and not letting them get away. I’m not someone who believes in toxic positivity, so I’m not telling people to ignore what’s really going on inside and fake it until you make it. I’ve tried those things, and for me, they did more harm than good.

Here’s what I did recognize though, there are often moments of joy to be celebrated even in the darkest times. It could be something funny, something beautiful, something that tastes utterly amazing…you get my point, the list goes on. On previous days in this series, I’ve talked about some of these very simple things.

The problem is we often want to be black and white about our moods. If we have a story aligning us with bad moods, we ignore the joys that come in throughout the day. They may be small, like an animal doing something silly, a shower, a delicious piece of chocolate, but it doesn’t mean those moments are not there.

Sometimes when we are in a great mood, we get very offended if any little thing takes away from that mood. Instead of considering that challenge for the moment in time that we are in, we can either overcompensate, which is where toxic positivity sometimes comes in, or we can let the challenge take over our whole entire day—black or white.

Do we all do this? No. There are some people who have a very healthy grey area where they move fluently through the colors not allowing the extremes on either side to take over, but the more we’ve become a part of this reactive environment of fear, lack, and separation, the more challenging it is to stay in the healthy range. Hence, my need to focus on daily aligning.

That’s why I find these exercises so incredibly important to my overall mental/ emotional health. Just for today, let’s focus on our joy and see what happens.

Are You Ready to Dive In?

Make sure to read or listen to the whole post/ episode to get today’s daily aligning practices.



Need More Support?

Focus on the little things. Sometimes people think that if it’s not something big or out of the ordinary that it’s not a true representation of joy. Let me let you in on what shouldn’t be a secret, any amount of joy counts. Even if it last for less than thirty seconds. The more we notice the little joys, the more open we will be to the bigger ones. I hope that helps. If it doesn’t, and you need more help, please reach out to a mental health professional.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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