2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #39

Today’s aligning is all about feeling lovable and worthy. This message is one that is extremely close to my heart since it took me almost four decades to truly get this one. I used to constantly try to find my worth and lovability in what I did for others. If I didn’t do enough, I didn’t deserve to be here. It breaks my heart thinking back to how brutal I was to myself and the reality I created because of it—deep breaths.

If there is one thing that I wish everyone knew it would be that we are all lovable and worthy of being here. The problem is when we don’t know that, we find different paths to convince ourselves we are. Some will treat others like they are above them, and try to make others feel small. Some will do so much for others that they are totally depleted, that was me. Some will suffer in complete silence within in their own private hell. Whatever way we look at it, it’s not good. This makes for very vulnerable people easily swayed into cradle to the grave marketing tactics.

One of my favorite things that came from me loving myself and knowing that I am worthy is being able to put down the self-abusive bat. This doesn’t mean my inner critic doesn’t pop in, but that voice doesn’t abuse me anymore. I’ve learned the difference in shaming myself vs. taking responsibility and accountability for my thoughts, beliefs, stories, actions, and reactions. Because I treat myself better, I get treated better by the people in my life. I don’t give time to people who want to make me feel small.

I would have never been on this journey of daily aligning with love, abundance, and peace if I didn’t love and respect myself. I had to learn that I’m worthy of living in the energy love, abundance, and peace and (spoiler alert) so are you!

Are You Ready to Dive In?

Remember to read or listen to the post below for today’s aligning.



Need More Support?

You may not be able to work through this one on your own. I needed lots of professional help, support from amazing friends and family, and ton of books! I had audiobooks playing non-stop anytime I could. I read and underlined countless passages. I went to the 12-step program called Al-Anon. I attended multiple conferences, and found a church with the messages I needed to hear. I went wherever my heart led me to get support. It will look different for everyone. If you need support with this, put the call out to the Universe! That’s what I did, and the way just began revealing itself. Just like you were led here, you will be led to take your next step.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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