2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #79

Today’s aligning is about appreciating time. Too often we go to lack when it comes to time. We often feel like there is never enough. What if just for today we focused on everything time gives us when we align it with the energy of love, abundance, and peace? What would that look like to you?

Tears are welling up in my eyes as I think about my daughter and I driving home from West Palm Beach on Friday night, and she told me how much she enjoyed our time together over there. In that moment, time completely stopped and I just sat there in complete gratitude, and once again like clockwork, I come back to edit today’s daily aligning and it’s all about appreciating time. I love doing these daily alignings!

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Read or listen to one of the links below to get today’s aligning.


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All we have is the time we are given. I love that reminder that everyone gets the same 24-hours. It’s what we do with those hours that matters. It’s remembering that we have choices in how we use them. Even if we can’t change the circumstances, we can choose how we meet them.

We all get time to go the bathroom, wash our hands, eat, and get dressed. What are we doing with that time? You can use that time for breathing and mindfulness practices. We can use showers for meditations. We don’t have to, but when we say we don’t have time, we are focused on lack. The question is what are we choosing to do with our time and admitting that those are the things we are prioritizing. If we don’t like what we see, it’s our job to change it.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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