2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #90

Today’s aligning is about simple steps to living as a better me. This doesn’t mean that we aren’t 100% acceptable as we are, it just means we are willing to do the inner work to live better. We won’t let old thinking get in our way to living a better life. That’s what this journey is about. Just taking one step to do things better than the day before is enough. Even if this step is that of self-awareness, it’s enough.

So, for the last 90 days I’ve been recording these updated versions as podcasts. I hope you are enjoying them. I had this plan in my head that I would record 90 episodes for the podcast then take a break. Well, at #87 I reached my limit on my account. The old me would have completely freaked out, the current me laughs it off and says, “I guess God has a different plan for me.

A big part of trusting this journey is aligning with who are where we are right now. That’s how I know it’s time to take a break. I plan on going back and doing the work, but creatively there are other things I’m feeling a pull to write at the moment. I have to trust that.

So, I hope you will enjoy today’s aligning message and practices. Then, I encourage you to go back through, or randomly pick a podcast a day, and focus on that topic. Just see what happens. It’s all about taking the steps, because that’s what this journey is all about.

Are You Ready to Dive In?


Catch up on all the different series and episodes available on the podcast.

Need More Support?

If you need more, you can find it here. There are blog posts and podcast episodes galore! You can also schedule a session with me if you want personalized support while I take a break from the series. Just have fun exploring it all.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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