2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #75

Today’s aligning is about my perspective, my choice. Sometimes we forget we have choices in our thoughts, beliefs, actions, and reactions. It all begins with how we CHOOSE to see things. Our perspective is going to come from whatever energy we are feeding in that moment. If we are feeding the energy of fear, lack, and separation, we will spin stories from that place. There are plenty of ways to look at things. Taking ownership of our choice to choose our perspective is our power. Blaming other people for how we perceive things is our prison.

Are You Ready to Dive In?

Read or listen to the full aligning in the link or the podcast episode below.


Need More Support?

Keep coming back, Keep listening, Keep reading, and keep being open to listen to other people’s perspectives. That’s what helps us see that we have a choice. Whether we agree with other perspectives or not doesn’t matter as much as understanding that the perspectives you choose to keep active are the ones that will dictate how your life goes. Sometimes it’s hard to see it’s our own perspectives that are holding us back, but it’s also the most freeing and empowering tool we have. Because now, we can choose differently when we don’t like where our thoughts are going.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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