2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #42

Today’s aligning is about being grateful for the energy we put out into the world. It’s about understanding our choices and taking our power back. I spent years giving my power away on a regular basis. I still have slips when I’m overwhelmed, but I also know I can be making choices to help to shift my energy out of the energy of fear, lack, and separation. KNOWING that is a true gift.

That’s what I’m doing with the series. I’m not doing this because things feel good and easy right now, they don’t. I have to do the daily work or everything that is going on in my life starts feeling like too much. I’m grateful for this process because I’m reminded daily to look at where I’m putting my energy.

Yesterday, my energy slipped during a heated interaction with my teenage daughter. I got the reminder in the importance of walking away. I realized when I first walked in I was already overwhelmed, so her pushing boundaries, like teenagers do, I wasn’t in the right energy to have a civil conversation, and went into the exchange in the energy of fear, lack, and separation. I projected it, and OH was it reflected back to me. I took my space and started prepping my daily aligning piece, I realigned with the energy of love, abundance, and peace. Doing that calmed me down. When I walked back in afterward, we were able to have a respectful conversation after we both apologized to each other for letting the the conversation get so heated.

I’m telling you this because it’s important to see that this work can shift us in a very short amount of time. It just takes us being willing to be self-aware when we start seeing the signs that we aren’t in the energy of love, abundance, and peace. This whole process just makes me so grateful.

Are You Ready to Dive In?

Remember to read or listen to the full post/ podcast episode to get today’s daily aligning practices and get the most out of the experience.



Need More Support?

Sending prayers out to all of those who have not discovered their power. When you are ready to embrace the energy of love, abundance, and peace on a daily basis your life WILL change. The reality you see will change too. We are only ever one choice away, and it’s a moment to moment thing. The more we learn to ground ourselves, the easier it is to become conscious and make the choice to flip the magnet to start attracting the energy that is aligned with what we actually want to project to the world. I don’t know ANYONE who chooses the energy of love, abundance, and peace in every moment. It’s just about choosing more, being conscious more, being self-aware more. Don’t ever feel like what you are doing is not enough. In this moment it is. How do I know? Because you are here. Just by keeping your mind open, and questioning where we are putting our energy is a step. You are on the journey. Just trust where your energy is taking you.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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