2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #43

Today’s aligning is about books. I know people can have strong stances about the books they like and the ones they don’t. Some people love memoirs yet hate self-help. Some people love fiction, but only specific genres. We all have our preferences. Mine happens to be non-fiction, not that there is anything wrong with fiction. The problem for me is if I’m really feeling a story, I don’t want to put the book down. I feel like I have to find out what happens. This is not good for my sleep, housework, parenting, writing, self-care or my relationships. I do listen to them occasionally now when I’m doing things around the house. That’s my compromise.

As for physical books, they will always be books where I’m learning something. Even if it’s a memoir, I feel like I’m learning about my fellow human, and that helps with compassion and empathy for what others go through. Mostly I read personal development. I love books where I can feel the energy of love, abundance, and peace permeating through me as I scream, “YES” when something hits home. I love when I get the chills and feel inspired to write things down because of what I read.

The thing I pay attention to with the books is what energy I feel when reading them. I’ve read some self-help books I absolutely love, and others where I feel triggered to be in the energy of fear, lack, and separation. There isn’t always a clear answer for why. I just will know it’s time to put down the book and go within as I figure it out. One thing I have to remind myself of is that the author’s journey with the book is them writing from their personal history, experiences, and personal growth. I’m interpreting it through my filters. They will not always align, and that’s okay.

Self-awareness is key. When I’m self-aware, I might simply say, I don’t agree with this point, and move past it if I’m getting a good feeling about most everything else that I’m reading, but if I notice that I’m how I’m interpreting the book is getting me more aligned with fear, lack, and separation, then it’s time to put it down.

Are You Ready to Dive In?

Make sure to read or listen to today’s full post/ episode to get today’s daily aligning practices.



Need More Support?

One of my favorite things to do is go to a book store or library and just explore and read the descriptions of the books I’m drawn to. If I get the chills or hear and inner voice saying, “YES!” I get the book. If you don’t want to go to bookstore. Some online bookstores have samples. You can either read or listen to. Sometimes that’s all I need. I hope that inspires you to find a new book.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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