2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #80

Today’s aligning is about what negatively judging others really does to us, or I should say shows about us. I also talk about the importance of owning our shame and insecurities. This was such a powerful lesson for me. I love that doing this has mad it possible for me to share myself with others in a more authentic way.

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Self-awareness is key to living a truly healthy life. This doesn’t mean living perfectly. This means accepting and loving ourselves through our good days and our bad. It’s not about shaming ourselves because we make choices that align us with fear, lack, and separation sometimes. It’s just simply being responsible and accountable when we notice we are stuck in the energy of fear, lack, and separation, so that we don’t take it out on others. And, if we do take it out on others, we take responsibility for that and do our best to be better in the next moment. It’s a process. Just be open and willing to look within.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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