2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #88

Today’s aligning is about the stories playing in our heads. I definitely needed this one right now. It reminded me of the work I need to do now as I’m facing a challenging time. I hope it will help someone else too.

Are You Ready to Dive In?

Read the post below to get today’s aligning message and practices.


I’ve reached my max recording time for the month, so I’m taking that sign to take a break in recording for awhile. Please feel free to go through all the past recording by clicking on the podcast link above in the title. I almost got to 90 days, but it’s just a reminder, I plan, God laughs. I was meant to stop recording now, LOL. I hope you have fun exploring some of the older podcast episodes. There’s a lot of helpful content in there.

Need More Support?

Be gentle with yourself. That’s the best advice I can give when you are being the observer to the stories in your head. Do your best not to self-abuse. You deserve better than that. You deserve to be treated with tremendous love and respect, so treat yourself that way. It’s not about what other people think or do, it’s about where we are putting our energy. That’s what we are accountable and responsible for.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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