2024 Daily Aligning with Love, Abundance, and Peace #44

Today’s aligning is all about being more compassionate to ourselves and others as a way to align with the energy of love, abundance, and peace. The amazing thing I found when I’m aligned is I can see where to put my energy when it comes to others. I have more space to process what’s going on with them because I’m not in my own head.

I know I’m open to see people more clearly when my energy is aligned. I stop trying to judge them and instead make attempts to understand them. Even if I disagree, I do my best to see the human in others. One of the little tricks I use to help myself stay in the energy of love, abundance, and peace when someone is being rude or disrespectful is I imagine them talking to themselves in the mirror. That’s who they are really talking to. I’m being filtered through the beliefs that are in their mind, it’s really not about me. This helps me to have compassion for them in the way that a person only aims to hurt another person when they are aligning themselves with the energy of fear, lack, and separation within them.

When we are in a healthy mindset, we don’t hurt others. If we intentionally hurt others, it’s because we are aligning with the energy of fear, lack, and separation in that moment. the good news is other people can’t make us engage in the energy of fear, lack, and separation, no matter what they do! We can slip into unconsciously or consciously, but either way, it’s our choice. When we hold compassion close, we are empowered to make more conscious choices to align with love, abundance, and peace.

Are You Ready to Dive In?

Remember to read or listen to the full post/ episode for today’s daily aligning practices, and if you haven’t checked them out before, they are not adding more work to your day. Trust me, you have the time to do them.



Need More Support?

I know I’ve mentioned him before, but in case you haven’t checked him out, let me introduce you to Daryl Davis. He is the epitome of what it looks like to be compassionate. This just gives you a quick introduction. I highly encourage you to read more about him and his amazing way of getting through to people through respect and compassion.

Until next time, I wish you love, abundance, and peace.

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